May You

May you see the humanity, dignity and image of God in everyone. Regardless of documentation, orientation or association, may you choose to see the face of Jesus in all those put in your path.

May you see those who are different than you not through the lens of judgment, but with a spirit of curiosity and posture of invitation.

May you immerse into the muck and messiness of everyday life seeking to understand rather than be understood.

May you move toward broken people and places catalyzed by hope rather than paralyzed by fear.

And, finally, as you move deeper into relationship with these people and places, may you stick around for the long haul offering radical presence in a world of hurry.

May your relative comfort and inherited privilege not lead to complacency, but instead be used to content for the flourishing of others.

May you be willing to sacrifice your reputation, finances and time in order to stand in front of any bulldozer that is flattening people.

Like the Jesus we follow, may you return evil with good and choose not to get even, but get creative in love.

Jon Huckins, To My Four Kids

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