
It's gonna be a struggle. The weak will whine about it and blame someone else for their failure. The strong will whine about it and then figure out what it's going to take to succeed.

Too Small

If you're too afraid to move ahead, could it be because your God is too small? Don't tell God about the size of your obstacle. Tell your obstacle about the size of your God.


No relationship is ever a waste. Either it brought you what you needed or it taught you what to avoid.


One of the most dangerous modern worldview philosophies is "if it makes you happy, do it; if it doesn't, then don't." Happiness is good. Pursue it. God made us to desire it. But trying to avoid unhappiness is impossible and in of itself will cause you to be unhappy. True happiness comes from pursuing God... Continue Reading →


Express your true emotions as often as you can, even if God is your only witness. Negative emotions (i.e. pain, sorrow, loneliness, regret) that are not expressed never die. They seemingly go away for a time but really they are only repressed and tend to be more painful once they come back. On the flip-side,... Continue Reading →


Embrace your intensity. Becoming successful in your profession requires being intensely detail-oriented about the business. Becoming successful in your relationships requires being intensely detail-oriented about the other person. And be careful always to ensure the latter is more powerful than the former, lest the former rise up and destroy the latter.


There is no power on earth like unconditional love. And I think that if you offered that to your child you’re 90 percent of the way home. There may be days when you don’t feel like it — it’s not uncritical love; that’s a different animal - but to know you can always come back,... Continue Reading →

Don’t be a Turd

Don't be a turd. If you are strong, be a protector. If you are smart, be a humble influencer. Strength and intelligence can be weapons, so do not wield them against the weak. That makes you a bully. Be bigger than that. Chris Pratt, 9 Rules to Live By


Want to make an impact? The only path is to give up comfort and safety. Risk failure, lonliness, criticism. Giving up the latter for the former only breeds regret.

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